List of available specialties

clinical services / clinics / List of available specialties
List of available specialties
  1. Orthopedics
  2. Internal medicine
  3. Pediatrician
  4. Infectious
  5. diabetic
  6. Allergy
  7. Urology
  8. Psychology
  9. Psychiatry
  10. Rheumatology
  11. Cardiovascular
  12. General Surgery
  13. Vascular Surgery
  14. Obstetrics and Gynecology
  15. Ear, nose and throat
  16. Nutrition and diet therapy
  17. Neurology
  18. Plastic and Beauty Surgery
  19. Department of Gastroenterology
  20. Hematology and oncology (blood and cancer))
  21. Pediatric Nephrology
  22. Electromyography (EMG), Electroencephalography) EEG(, ulcers (new dressing to treat bed sores - Diabetic foot wounds – burns)